Breckenridge Presents:

Group toasting their steins at Breckenridge Oktoberfest

Breckenridge Oktoberfest

A father high fiving his son while hiking in Breck

B Like Breckenridge


B-Like Breckenridge™ is a movement born of the spirit of our historic mountain town for those who call it home—whether for a weekend or a lifetime—to live by. It is a cause that connects us to each other, that we can all be a part of. One that reminds us to act with intention. To be thoughtful in how we interact with nature, wildlife and one another. And to do our part daily, however big or small, to preserve and protect our communities, our natural environment, and our world.

You with us?



From using less, walking more, leaving no trace, sticking to the trails, respecting wildlife, nature, and each other, and being a responsible steward of our communities, together we can champion a cause that is greater than all of us. But that starts here, with each and every one of us.

Thank You to Our Partners

Our partners help generate solutions to protect all the places we love. Learn how you can get involved.

Leave No Trace logoBreckenridge Colorado Mountain Ideal seal
downtown Breckenridge at dusk
Join the movement.

Embrace The Spirit

BLike Breckenridge™️ is a movement born of the spirit of our historic mountain town for those who call it home—whether for a weekend or a lifetime—to live by. It is a cause that connects us to each other, that we can all be a part of.